Bella Vida Syles - Virtual Book Club

Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult

Wish You Were here

Wish You Were here captures the start of the pandemic perfectly. This novel completely captures a moment in history, as we are all still living it and processing.
As the world begins to shut down in March 2020, Diana and her boyfriend Finn are planning to head to the Galapagos on vacation. But, Finn, a surgical resident in a New York hospital is discouraged to take vacation time, as the hospital prepares for COVID-19. Diana ends up heading on the vacation of their dreams solo, and when she arrives, the island shuts down due to the pandemic. She then has to survive on an island where she doesn’t know the language, has limited WiFi connection, and where she finds herself without her luggage or guidebooks. Diana, who once had her life planned out and was on her way to climbing the corporate ladder in the art world, finds herself questioning herself, her choices, and her relationships. As Diana gets to know the locals, she also redefines herself and her desires.

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