Maria Tettamanti

Fashionably Fab Female: Q&A with Maria Tettamanti of the Wordy Girl

I want to introduce my first installment of Fashionably Fab Females!

I will be interviewing amazing ladies who are influencing style, journalism, writing, fashion, and Miami in the upcoming weeks. (Hell, I might even do an Q & A on myself, because well, I’m fab and female! Would you read it?) I also plan on including some international fabulous ladies, but still have those in the works. For now, I hope these very inspirational ladies I’ll be featuring inspire you, get your creative juices flowing or even just entertain you a bit.For my first Fashionable Fab Females installment, I’d like to introduce you to Maria Tettamanti. I had the chance of meeting Tettamanti, of The Wordy Girl, a few months ago at Blogger’s Night Out. I had been following her blog for a while and after that night I started visiting her page more often. Recently, we became Facebook friends, you know because that’s just like being real friends, and I have to say that she’s as hilarious on her status updates as she is on her blog posts. She is very personable and down-to-earth, comments on my updates and is very friendly. She is also an amazing writer, a fabulous dresser, a mom, a wife, an entrepreneur and all-around Miami Blogger. Her blog is filled with fashion style tips, reviews, events and more. What are you waiting for? I hope you’re checking it out by the end of this interview!
People often generalize and think blogging is pointless and isn’t journalism. As someone who majored in journalism, I would have agreed with you about 10 years ago. Now, I think bloggers are changing the way society thinks, they’re influencing fashion and style and even politics, they’re brand ambassadors and getting shoppers to click the “buy” button on an online item. Many times they’re reporting on the news – with a local and even personal spin. Blogging is a way of expression and though a hobby for some, a career for many.When I thought of starting my Q & A’s with local Miami Bloggers, I reached out to Tettamanti and she immediately agreed – I had the answers to all my questions (and I had a lot of questions) by the next morning. This lady doesn’t waste any time! Who said moms can’t do it all? I hope you all enjoy the interview and all the brain picking I had a chance to do. If you’re starting out a blog, need some inspiration, need a fashion muse, or just want to get a laugh or two from some posts (well, and this interview), I suggest you stick around and read.


BVS: How did you get into blogging?

MT: I’ve been blogging for since the website’s inception in ’09. But I started my own blog,, last October.

Maria Tettamanti of The Wordy Girl
Maria Tettamanti of The Wordy Girl
BVS: What pays your bills (what’s your “real” job)?

MT: I am a freelance writer for, The Miami Herald, Ocean Drive Magazine, The Huffington Post and MSN. I also manage the social media aspects of several highbrow Miami-based businesses. And believe it or not — my blog makes some money, too!

BVS: Other than your blog, and maybe your day job, what else are you involved in?

MT: I’m a mom of two kiddos under the age of 5 — so when I’m not sweating my next assignment over a hot keyboard, you can find me entertaining them. Or mentally strangling them (depending on the day).

BVS: Why do you blog?

MT: I blog because it gives me a lot of freedom and I can write in a manner that is truly me. At work, I can’t be over-the-top or curse or be outlandish and with my blog,I can! Because I’m the boss!

BVS: Best app?

MT: Can you believe I’m still on a CrackBerry? I’m a power emailer and the keypad on the iPhone drove me to drink! I do like PhotoFunia on my iPod Touch. The filters are amazing.

Maria Tettamanti of The Wordy Girl
Maria Tettamanti of The Wordy Girl
BVS: What do you do when you get writer’s block?

MT: I’ll call my friends Ginger Harris or Christy Cartaya up — à la phoning for help on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! 

BVS: How do you come up with new and refreshing content?
MT: I find content everywhere — from driving the kids to school to reading smut like Fifty Shades of Grey. Content is omnipresent.
BVS: How would you describe your blog in 2 sentences or less?

MT: My blog is about fashion, style and people with a quirky twist! I have a dark sense of humor and that shows, too.

BVS: What’s the best way to get more followers and/or get your blog exposure?

MT:  You are your own publicist. The nanosecond I have a new post, I go nuts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google +. You need to shout new posts from the proverbial rooftop!

BVS: How can someone starting out figure out how to separate themselves from the rest of the blogs out there?

MT:  There is only one you. That in itself makes you unique. Don’t try to be someone else because that voice is already taken. Do you!

BVS: Some people thing blogging makes you rich – what’s the truth?

MT: It can. Some bloggers land book deals, paid appearances, paid advertising, commercials, etc. For me, I like to think of my blog as an online résumé — if you like my style, hire me to write for you! I’ve also monetized from teaching others how to blog alongside Nikki Novo. Our classes are hands down the best thing to come out of my blog — and I’m talking about the personal enrichment, not the revenue.

I also make money by paid appearances and paid posts.

BVS: What’s the best way to monetize your blog?

MT: Ads did not work for me.My readers are savvy and know not to click on them! The best way to monetize is work hard on your content, be honest and if a reader/business gels with you, they may ask to work with you.

BVS: How can you successfully profit from your blog?

MT: First of all, don’t get into blogging to turn a profit. Start it from an altruistic place. If you’re a rock star, people will notice and good things will come. But if you start off with an “I want to be rich!” mentality, the joke is sadly on you.

BVS: Best advertising approach?

MT: I tried Google Ad Sense and made $12. Waah waah. Again, my readers are too smart for their own good!

BVS: How can a blogger better work with brands?

MT: Whenever you write about a brand, link back to the brand’s official website. Link your story the brand’s Twitter handle. It’s all about connecting yourself with the brand.

BVS: Any photography tips for bloggers?

MT: For me, this is the hardest part. I can write at the drop of a hat but photography is a toughie. Just be consistent with your imagery. Buy a decent camera. I know a lot of bloggers who love their iPhone’s photo apps.

BVS: If you had to pic the best 3 devices for bloggers what would they be?

MT: Buy a good camera, always have a good ol’ notebook handy for ideas and READ.

BVS: What blog or person do you consider your example to push for better content or your mentor?
BVS: Many times I get told that a blog is a public diary, others think it’s a waste of time or just a hobby – Why do you find blogging important or of value? Why is blogging a priority for YOU?

MT: Blogging is my priority because with work, I am happily helping push their name forward. With my blog, I am pushing my brand further. This is a huge personal feat.

BVS: Now we want to get to know YOU better, these are more fun, slightly more personal questions . . .BVS: Age?

MT: 35

BVS: Hometown?

MT: Raised in Cape May, NJ and moved to groovy Coconut Grove, FL in the fifth grade.

BVS: Current town?

MT: Miami, baby!

BVS: What do you love best about your city?

MT: The ocean. Every Friday and Sunday I like to pay her a visit to decompress.

BVS: City hidden treasure?

MT: Michy’s braised short rib, Play-In with the kids, Lester’s Café for coffee and Plant the Future for living floral arrangements.

BVS: What music plays in the background as you write (if any)?

MT: The XX or Howard Stern. I’ve been a loyal Stern listener since college. The dude’s got wit on lockdown.

BVS: What is on your nightstand?

MT: My latest read, Gone Girl. It’s can’t-put-me-down good!

BVS: What’s your vice?

MT: Coffee and social media.

BVS: What are you reading right now? Any good?

MT: Gone Girl and it’s AMAZE. Ooh, I feel a blog post coming on!

BVS: Other than blogging – what hobbies do you have?

MT: Driving my kids insane, driving my husband insane, reading, Pinning, Tweeting, Facebooking, Google +ing, TRAVELING, tennis, shopping, sunbathing — and keeping my finger on the pulse of awesomeness.

BVS: What is stylish to you?

MT: I’m all about class and not trash.

BVS: Can’t live without beauty or makeup product?

MT: Obagi skin care.

BVS: If you have $100 right now what would you spend it on?

MT: Shoes, duh!

BVS: What’s next for you?

MT: I’ll be fist pumping in the Jersey Shore soon!

BVS: Want to follow Tettamanti? Want to read her Blog? Follow her on Twitter? Here’s how you can lock her down:
So what did you think? Were you a fan of Tettamanti’s before this interview was over? Did you get anything out of this Q & A? Were you inspired? Are you ready to be more fashion-forward or start writing yourself? Come on, comment below!
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